Wednesday, March 20, 2013


This week has been a whirl wind.  Saturday, I went and got fitted for denim.  Has anyone ever done this? I had the best time, and I left with a pair of jeans that actually FIT!!  Worth it!  I wouldn't call myself obese (headed there if I'm not careful), but I can honestly say that I haven't been happy with my body since birth of baby #2--nearly 2 years ago.  Sigh.  Where does the time go? Anyway, I've been rocking yoga pants and t-shirts since then.  It was time for a change.  Hubs was more than willing to take me to the mall and release me to the giants if I wouldn't look at the size or price.  Confession, I looked at the price.  I couldn't bring myself to pay astronomical amounts of money for jeans no matter how good they looked!  Just couldn't do it. 

Tuesday, I went to Graceland in Memphis for the first time.  I've gotta say, the King had it going on.  It took every ounce of my self control not to try to go up those stairs, but I was able to hold myself back if only to see the rest of the place!  The ceiling in the basement that was totally covered with pleated fabric was an inspiration to me.  Stunning.  Even though the colors were definitely 70s hues, I saw the beauty.  I had no idea what an Elvis fan I could be until I moved up here!  He's a very interesting guy!  His music was great, but his personal life has been fascinating to me!

Blah, blah, blah.  The real reason we're here is to see what's new this week!!  I bring to you....

These adorable Soar shorts!
These are very close to being my favorite of the season.  All the colors!  These are sure to have your head in the clouds! 
I'm pretty sure that these will match almost any shirt, but why not pair it with...
This adorable applique!
I feel like a gameshow host.  This is awesome. 
Once again, the Tree-hugger shorts by Brownie Goose did not disappoint!  So fly, don't walk or run, over to the shop and pick these up before they fly away!
Be sure to find me on facebook too!
Have a good one, and go try on some jeans!!!

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